Let's weigh your options together

Dear Beautiful Soul,

I see you. I see your journey, your struggles, and your triumphs. I’ve met so many incredible women like you who have fought tirelessly to take control of their health, and I admire your courage more than words can express. For some, that journey has led to considering—or undergoing—bariatric surgery. It’s a big decision, one that comes with hopes for a healthier life, but also with its own set of challenges. I’ve captured the stories of many women who have taken this path, and I’ve come to understand the complexities that often follow. So, let’s have an honest conversation, friend to friend, about the reality of bariatric surgery and what it truly means for your body and your mind.

For many, the appeal of bariatric surgery is clear. It can feel like a lifeline, a chance to shed years of weight struggles in a matter of months. And it’s true—this surgery can result in significant weight loss and improved health markers. Many women experience relief from conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and joint pain, and there’s something undeniably powerful about stepping on a scale and seeing those numbers drop. There’s no denying that for some, this surgery has been life-changing in a positive way.

But it’s important to also talk about what often isn’t shared enough: the aftermath. I’ve had the privilege of working with women post-surgery, capturing their newfound strength and resilience, but I also see the hidden struggles. One of the most common concerns they share is loose skin—lots of it. Losing a substantial amount of weight quickly doesn’t give your skin the time to adjust, and it often leaves behind a daily reminder of the body you’ve worked so hard to change. This can be incredibly tough emotionally, especially when you’re trying to embrace your new self. I’ve seen the sadness in their eyes when they look at their photos and still see what they wish would disappear. It’s not just loose skin; it’s the feeling of being in a body that still doesn’t quite feel like yours.

There are also the health risks to consider. Bariatric surgery isn’t just about losing weight; it’s a major operation with potential complications. Some women I’ve met have had their gallbladders removed due to complications following surgery. Others have faced emergency surgeries, infections, or lifelong digestive issues that make everyday eating a challenge. These aren’t the stories that are often highlighted when we talk about weight loss success, but they’re real, and they matter. If you’re considering this path, it’s so important to go in with your eyes wide open, knowing that this is not a quick fix, but rather a life-altering decision that comes with its own set of sacrifices.

I don’t want to discourage you from seeking the health and happiness you deserve, but rather to encourage you to explore all your options thoroughly. There are other ways to lose weight and improve your health that might feel slower, but can be far gentler on your body and mind. Options like working with a nutritionist, embracing mindful eating, engaging in regular movement that you enjoy, or seeking therapy to address emotional eating can be powerful, sustainable ways to transform your relationship with food and your body. These methods don’t promise rapid results, but they often lead to a deeper, more lasting change, both physically and emotionally.

I’ve watched women blossom as they embrace their bodies exactly where they are, at every stage of their journey. I’ve seen the beauty in scars, in loose skin, in every line that tells a story of strength and perseverance. And I want you to know that your worth is not defined by a number on a scale, the size of your clothes, or the tightness of your skin. You are beautiful, worthy, and enough just as you are. If you choose surgery, know that I’ll still be here to capture your journey and celebrate every inch of your progress. But if you’re on the fence, please take the time to weigh all the options, consider the long-term impact, and make the decision that truly feels right for you.

This is your story, and only you get to decide how it unfolds. Whatever path you choose, remember that you are more than your body, more than your weight, and so much more than any scars you carry—inside or out. Your journey is uniquely yours, and it’s worth taking every step with intention, care, and love.

With all my heart,


the pros and cons of bariatric surgery. woman posing at her boudoir session learning to overcome her insecurities
there is some good after having bariatric surgery & being able to love your body but so much to conquer health wise
experiencing extra skin after weight loss surgery can be hard so loving yourself & body through a boudoir session helps
Glad to have done bariatric surgery but the emotions of health complications are heavy.  boudoir helped my confidence
extra skin complications after a bariatric surgery were hard but I overcame it with a boudoir session
gaining confidence in seeing the weight loss & learning to eat better are my lifestyle now
choosing to better myself through weight loss surgery has its pros and cons